Can far-infrared saunas detoxify your body?

What is detoxification? Detoxification is the process of eliminating harmful substances from the human body. These substances include toxins and chemicals that have built up in...

What diet should women choose?

What are the different types of diets? There is a wide variety of diets that are suitable for both men and women. Each has its...

What is the Blood Type Diet? Here’s what experts say

What are blood types? The four major types of blood are A, B AB and O. The presence or lack of antigens, which are substances that...

Eight Shocking Physical Signs of Depression

Fatigue and Lack of Energy Depression can lead to fatigue and exhaustion, which makes it difficult for people to perform their daily tasks. It can be...

Are you in shape for your age?

Focus on Health To maintain a healthy life, you need to do more than lift weights or run for a distance. While these goals are motivating,...

Breaking News: This Is The Most Effective Drug For Macular Degeneration

What is Macular Degeneration ? The age-related macular condition (AMD) affects millions of individuals worldwide. The cells of the macula start to degenerate, leading to a...

Five shocking things that trigger anxiety

Caffeine Caffeine, a stimulant, is present in many beverages such as soda, coffee, tea and other common drinks. It can temporarily increase energy and alertness but...

Do You Have A Heart Attack or Heartburn?

Heart Attack Myocardial Infarction, or a heart attack, occurs when the arteries of a patient's heart do not receive enough blood flow. It causes ischemia in...

There are 7 signs that you may have the flu

Fever A fever is one of the common symptoms of flu. It is an elevated body temperature (above 99degF). It is your immune system's way of...

Half Of Americans Don’t Get Enough Of This

The American Physical Activity Guidelines Fitness is more than a cosmetic goal. A healthy lifestyle includes both aerobic and muscle strengthening activities. These exercises can reduce your...


Six Myths about Blood Donation

Myth # 1: You need to be in perfect health to donate blood Some medical conditions may prevent you from donating, but they are not...