Misunderstanding #2: Migraines are just really bad headaches

A common misconception about migraines is they are simply really bad headaches. Although migraines may feel like a severe headache, they usually present with a unique set of symptoms.

Migraines cause a severe headache on one side, often accompanied with nausea, vomiting and auras. They can also be accompanied by sensitivity to sound and light. Tension headaches are more common and cause a dull, constant pain on both sides.

Misunderstanding #2: Migraines Can Be Cured

While there is no cure for a migraine, it can be managed to reduce the severity and frequency of attacks. There are some medications that may help prevent migraines, or reduce the severity and frequency of attacks. However, these do not cure this condition. Working with your healthcare provider will help you develop the right treatment plan for you. This may include lifestyle changes, medications and complementary therapies.

Misunderstanding #3: Migraines Are Not Serious

Migraines can have a significant impact on your quality of living. They are more than just an inconvenience. Migraines are characterized by severe pain, as well as other symptoms, which can make it hard to carry out daily tasks, attend school or work, or participate in social events. Migraines can sometimes lead to emergency treatment or hospitalization. You should seek treatment for migraines to improve your life and manage the condition.

Misunderstanding #4: Migraines Are Caused By Stress

Stress can trigger migraines for some people but it’s not the only cause. Multiple factors may be involved in the cause of migraines, which is still not completely understood.

Migraines can be triggered by a variety of factors, including changes in sleep pattern, certain foods and drinks, hormonal fluctuations, nutritional deficiencies, bright lights, loud noises, etc.

Misunderstanding #4: Migraines are treated with over-the-counter pain medications

Migraines can be treated with over-the-counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen. Migraines are often treated with stronger drugs to manage pain and other symptoms.

You may be prescribed specific medications by your healthcare provider to treat or prevent migraines, or recommended other treatment options such as complementary therapies and lifestyle changes.

Misunderstanding #6: Migraines Can Be Prevented By Drinking Lots Of Water

Although it’s important to drink plenty of water, this isn’t a guaranteed way to avoid migraines. Some people can get migraines from dehydration, but many other factors can also contribute to migraines. It is important to stay hydrated for your overall health. However, it does not guarantee that you will avoid migraines.