Acute Stage

The acute phase of stroke recovery starts immediately after the stroke. It lasts about one week.

In this phase, the main focus is to stabilize the patient’s vitals and prevent further brain damage. Imaging tests will be performed to determine the extent of damage. The patient’s condition will be closely monitored.

Subacute Stage

The subacute phase of stroke recovery begins about a week following the stroke. It can last up to three month.

In this phase, the brain of the patient begins to heal and rehabilitation begins. Rehabilitation aims to restore as much function as is possible. Recovery is usually based on the principle that “use it or you lose it”.

Chronic Stage

The chronic phase of stroke recovery begins three months after the stroke. It can last years.

In this phase, the patient may experience a slowdown in their progress, and the focus will shift to the management of any long-term disabilities.

The patient’s rehabilitation continues and he or she may receive assistive devices that will help them with their daily activities.

Stroke Rehabilitation

Stroke rehab is an important part of the recovery process after a stroke. Rehabilitation can include physical therapy as well as occupational therapy, speech and cognitive therapy.

Physical Treatment

Physical therapy is aimed at improving physical abilities after a stroke. This includes mobility, strength and coordination. A physical therapist works with the patient to create a customized exercise plan that targets affected body parts.

Physical Therapy can help to reduce the pain, stiffness and spasticity that are common after an stroke.

Occupational therapy

Occupational therapy is a form of help for people with daily activities. This includes getting dressed, cooking meals and other daily activities.

They work with patients on improving their hand-eye coordination and cognitive function. They may also modify the environment or provide adaptive equipment to make these tasks easier.

Language Therapy

The goal of speech therapy (also known as language therapy) is to help individuals who are having difficulty communicating after a stroke.

Speech therapists help patients develop strategies for improving their communication skills, including exercises to strengthen the muscles involved in speaking and swallowing. This may include learning how to use alternative and augmentative communication devices.

Cognitive Treatment

Cognitive Therapy focuses on improving cognitive functions–memory and attention, perception and problem solving abilities.

It may include simple exercises and tests to monitor the patient’s skills, and games to challenge their brain.

Emotional Support

Supporting stroke survivors emotionally is essential. The emotional impact can be severe and include depression, anxiety and frustration.

Support groups and professional counseling can be beneficial, as well as family members or caregivers.

Group therapy, art therapy and music therapy can be extremely helpful to individuals (and their family members) who are struggling emotionally with post-stroke recovery.

Sharing a similar experience with someone else can be very comforting. It also creates a sense community and understanding.

Managing Long-Term Disabilities

Stroke survivors can have disabilities that are long-term and require ongoing care. The disability may affect the patient’s daily activities or require assistive devices like wheelchairs, walkers, or communication aids.

Long-term disabilities can be managed by ongoing rehabilitation and modifying the patient’s workplace or home. To manage the condition, a patient may need to change their lifestyle, for example, by improving their diet, giving up smoking or managing stress.

Doctors and the healthcare team will assist in any way required. They will give you instructions and resources that will help in your recovery.