This superfood will improve your appetite and regulate your hormones

Researchers have found that eating almonds can affect hormones linked to hunger. The study participants were divided into two groups: those who ate almonds and those who did not. C-peptide levels dropped 47% in the group who consumed almonds. This hormone is similar to insulin produced by pancreas and lower levels may improve insulin sensitivity, reduce diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Almond eaters experienced a rise in other hormones dependent on glucose that decrease hunger. The hunger-reducing hormone, glucagon, also increased by 39%. Participants ate 45% less food because pancreatic polypeptides, which slow digestion, were reduced. Plus, the hormone that controls appetite and weight, glucose-dependent Insulotropic Polypeptide, increased by 18%.

Nuts have more fat than snack bars high in carbohydrates, and this may explain the disparity observed in hormone levels.

What are the benefits of eating almonds?

Enhances the feeling of satisfaction

Almonds contain a high amount of protein, fiber and healthy fats. They are also low in carbohydrates.

Scientists found in 2015 that eating almonds for breakfast made people feel fuller and more satisfied. The study participants ate almonds with either 173 or 259 calories. The longer the appetite was suppressed, the more almonds they ate.

A feeling of fullness can help you lose weight by decreasing your cravings for food.

Reduces Cholesterol Level

Almonds are rich in healthy fats that do not increase your LDL or “bad” cholesterol levels.

According to the American Heart Association, eating unsaturated fats in moderate quantities can help lower cholesterol levels. Almonds are also cholesterol-free.

A 2005 study also found that those who ate almonds were more likely to have higher levels of Vitamin E in their plasma and red blood cells, and lower cholesterol total. Scientists have found that vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps to prevent the oxidation and clogging of arteries caused by cholesterol.

Promotes Bone Health

Almonds contain magnesium, calcium and manganese as well as vitamin K, zinc, copper and protein. These nutrients are essential for maintaining healthy bones .

Experts suggest that you consume almonds to obtain some of these nutrients.