What are genetically modified foods?

In a laboratory, the genetic material is altered to add characteristics that are not found in nature. The process involves recombinant-DNA technology, which is used to introduce genes into another organism. Scientists call the food “GM” (bioengineered) or “GM food .”

Sometimes, farmers carry out genetic modification to make plants more useful for agriculture. In other cases, they do so to make them healthier.

Facts and Myths about Genetically Modified food

Genetically modified foods are harmful

Despite criticism, the WHO, FDA and other studies have all certified that GM foods are safe.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Environmental Protection Agency, and the United States Department of Agriculture all work together to test and monitor GMOs for safety.

The FDA has strict guidelines regarding the safety of genetically engineered foods. The Environmental Protection Agency supervises the use pesticides and plant-incorporated protection agents that make GMOs immune to viruses and insects. The USDA monitors for cross-pollination, and recommends the best planting techniques to prevent genetically modified food from harming other plants.

Modified Foods Cause Allergies

Allergies can be triggered by specific proteins found in food. Many people worry that adding new genetic material to plants could produce proteins the body might mistake as harmful invaders. This may trigger an allergic or immunological reaction.

Contrary popular belief, a 2017 study concluded that altered foods are not more allergic .

Seedless Fruits and Vegetables are Modified

Seedless fruits and vegetables are popular because of their convenience. Others, however, believe that they’re genetically modified. This is not true. Seedless vegetables and fruits are more often the result of cross-pollination or grafting than bioengineering.

Lab Meats are Genetically Modified

Cell tissue engineering is only used in lab meats.

Cell-cultured meat is the process of cultivating cells that are not modified from an animal in a lab setting.